Delegaţii, conferinţe şi târguri
#3 Annual Conference AHK International Court of Arbitration
Limba evenimentului
Start eveniment
2019-10-15 · 09:30
Final eveniment
2019-10-15 · 16:00

Nu ratați #3 International Court of Arbitration Annual Conference! Anul acesta într-un nou format: derularea unui caz de arbitraj în practică și relatarea unor arbitri tineri din spațiul european din experiența proprie.


AHK Romania is organizing the #3 International Court of Arbitration Annual Conference, where we are glad to invite you.

Just like the previous editions, this one proposes to offer valuable information about the role of arbitration in the daily business. New this year will be the introduction of another format, consisting in a hearing of an arbitral tribunal, which will focus on typical issues of arbitration proceedings like independence, validity of the arbitral clause and settlement initiatives by the court.

Moreover, in the second part of the Conference, young arbitrators from Europe will present their experience. Please find more information about the speakers by accessing the links in the invitation.

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